Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Flow, Induced.

After midnight training is often essential. Eminem’s new cd Relapse is incredible. Track 12; “Stay Wide Awake”, his greatest lyrical delivery, ever: 5lbs in each hand I shadow-box. Track 8; “Same Song & Dance”, a haunting beat by Dre: Bokken (solid cherry-tree wood katana) training alongside nunchucks. Track 2; “3AM”, a unique flow and illustrative lyrics: Shinai (bamboo kendo sword) training, weightless shadowboxing, weighted, and without. Southpaw feels more comfortable but I train evenly nonetheless. Adequately flowing, a short jog is necessary. A cool off. A shower. A mental warm-up in the form of this blog, and ready to begin the continued crafting of the current piece of short fiction, The Recovery, through a bit of intense mental training, equally paramount and so tanta- to the physical. Rock and Roll.

1 comment:

  1. This is the long haired kid you met at newton.

    You have some cool stuff here, I'll be sure to keep up with it.

    Good luck with your novel.

    I update on the status of my graphic novel every now and then on my livejournal if you're interested in keeping up.
