Monday, January 19, 2009

Work-Out Etiquette - Seriously.

So today I'm at the gym doing a bit of intensely variable cardio on the treadmill to warm up. Having raised it to the highest incline and sprinted all Drago-like, crunching the limit, I began my gradual descent, slowing from a dash to a casual jog. Having settled in to the mid-session chill-out, I feel a rather obtuse tap upon my shoulder. Looking to my left a porcine white man with a receding line of white hair is staring at me with a forced and rounded smile. "How much longer do you have?" I stare blankly for a moment, then scan to my left and right, taking care to make it obvious I'm noticing the many empty pieces of equipment as I remove my skullcandy ear-bud; "I'm not quite sure, I'm sort of in the midst of things here sir." I respond with an excessively friendly tone, trying to turn back, but he persists. "Well I like using this piece of equipment, so I'll wait. Thanks." The obese man who simply walks upon a treadmill for a half hour before resuming the gluttonous maintenance of his excess body-weight says, turkey-gobbler wobbling. "And thank you very much for interrupting my work-out, particularly considering how few pieces of equipment there are available. Have a nice day dude." Recognizing my distaste, he at first postures, hand searching in vain for a waist to place itself upon in indignation, "Well now, no need to get nasty, I was just askin-" "Yes, and I am just trying to work out. Again, have a nice day guy." Ear-buds back in he is forgotten and I take my time finishing the first act of what would be an epic training session.

The point: please do not interrupt someone in the midst of training, it is wrong, like a sort of induced blue-balling of the flow. Wrong.

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